Latest Walks



walking for people tired from work, especially doctors who need peace and a slow pace of walking

424 m return
20 mins

Tasman Blowhole & Fossil Bay Lookout

A short loop around the blowhole and out to a lookout over the coast.

5.2 km return
105 mins

Waterfall Bay

An easy short walk starting very close to the Tasman Arch down to the Devils Kitchen and ending at Waterfall Bay Lookout.

8.5 km return
2 hrs

Bulcock Beach to Moffat Beach (SCCP 3)

Enjoy a challenging part of the Sunshine Coast Coastal Pathway, as it winds above cliffs and round Caloundra Head, with fantastic views of the Glass House Mountains, Bribie and Moreton Islands to the south and to the north the beach all the way to Point Cartwright, with Mount Coolum in the distance.

6.5 km return
105 mins

Moffat Beach to Currimundi Lake (SCCP 4)

Time to get your feet wet on this one, as you cross Swamp Creek and head up the sand to Dicky Beach and on along the coastal wetlands boardwalks to beautiful Currimundi Lake.

7.2 km return
2 hrs

Currimundi Lake to Bokarina (SCCP 5)

A deviation from the official SCCP, that takes you across Currimundi Lake exit to the sea and up through the coastal health of the Conservation Park before rejoining the pathway up to Bokarina.

36 km one-way
12 hrs

Gold Coast Ocean Way

Shared path along the beach from Point Danger to The Gold Coast Seaway or reverse. Can easily be done in stages.

7 km one-way
2 hrs

Kedron Brook Walk

Walkway along the Kedron Brook, traversing Grange Heights, Stafford, Gordon Park, Kedron, Toombul. Mostly following the Kedron Brook Bikeway.
Grinstead Park to Toombul Station or reverse.

13 km one-way
4 hrs

Enoggera Creek walk

Walk along the Enoggera Creek from the Enoggera Reservoir to Bowen Bridge, where the creek joins Breakfast Creek and Brisbane River. Crossing the suburbs The Gap, Ashgrove, Newmarket, Herston and many of the local parks. Mostly following the Enoggera Creek Bikeway.

5 km return
3 hrs

Port Arthur Historic Site

A walk around the historic site. Entry Fees apply. Ensure you don't miss the trail up to Scorpion Rock Lookout and the convict Water Supply Trail as well as the walk over to the produce garden and ship building area.

2.3 km return
1 hr

Ross Historic Walk

A short walk through this historic town.

400 m return
20 mins

Oldaker Falls

A short walk to a waterfall in the middle of Burnie.

1.8 km return
30 mins

Fern Glade Loop

A short walk taking in one of Tasmania's 60 great short walks. Pleasant but not great.

300 m return
20 mins

Round Hill Lookouts Walk

A short walk linking the lookouts via small sections of trail and road.

1.1 km return
30 mins

Upper Natone Reserve Loop

A short loop around the lagoon.

1.4 km return
30 mins

Mersey Bluff

A short walk up onto the headland with its lighthouse.

9.7 km return
2 hrs

Archers Knob

A great walk in Narawntapu National Park.

400 m return
20 mins

Griffiths Point

A short walk out to the point.

3.5 km return
1 hr

Wukalina (Mount William) Summit Track

A walk to the peak that shares the national parks name.

1.6 km return
1 hr

Eddystone Point Lighthouse Walk

A short walk in Mount William National Park & the Eddystone Point Lighthouse Historic Site.