Personal details (including email address) are not passed on to any third party unless explicitly requested by the user, required to by law or as the direct fulfillment of the offered service.
Aussie Bushwalking reserves the right to send emails to its members. Becoming a member of Aussie Bushwalking includes agreeing to receive emails from Aussie Bushwalking.
Membership cancellations may be requested via email to . All personal data will be removed when your membership is cancelled.
The site will not store user's passwords in plain text. Passwords are not recoverable. Passwords may be reset using the "Forgotten Password" feature.
The site does not use a secure communications channel during login, so passwords will be transmitted unencrypted over the Internet. For this reason it is recommended that users do not reuse passwords from other sites.
Users may choose to make their accounts public to allow some of their statistics to be viewable. Users may control this through their profile page.
Aussie Bushwalking may use account information for deriving aggregate statistical information. For example, Aussie Bushwalking may derive most popular walks based on site usage.
Aussie Bushwalking may target internal services, commercial offers, or advertising based on account information. In such a case, Aussie Bushwalking will NOT transfer personal information, that identifies you, to any third party. (For example we may make a commercial offer to walkers in a specific area, on behalf of another organization, but we will NOT supply the details of who we made the offer to).
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, view the network advertising website.