Kings Plains Creek Falls

New South Wales

A fun walk rock-hopping down the creek (no marked track) to the falls, best after rain. Lots of wildlife, and lovely orange gums. Although this walk is short, allow 2 hours to enjoy yourself and observe the birds and nature. Its a surprisingly pretty spot and uncrowded, in a park that protects rare woodland. If you need accommodation, check out nearby Kings Plains Castle for a change from a tent.

Bird Watching
Picnic Facilities
No Dogs Permitted
Camping Permitted
Eucalypt Forest
Maximum Elevation
Total Climb

Getting there

Drive to Kings Plains Creek camping and picnic site at the end of Ironbark Drive in Kings Plains National Park.  There are signs from Kings Plains Rd. 

Route/Trail notes

An unmarked walk - just follow the creek downstream until you reach the falls. Footpads on the side of the creek or rock hop over the granite creek bed.  Kings Plains NP protects rare woodland, the rest has been cleared for grazing. Koalas, birds, snakes, turtles and more live here. Birds especially as temperate zone meets grassland zone. 


Free - its National Park

Other References

Great stories on awildland.blogspot and my own blog (


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