Start at Charlottes Pass carpark and cross the Snowy River and then onto Seaman's Hut. Follow the road markers the entire way to Rawson's Pass. Depending on snow depth Ski or snow shoe walk around to Rawson's Pass where Australia's highest toilet is and usually covered in snow. Scale the summit of Kosciuszko in a straight line from this point on watching out for icy conditions on the ascent. Summit carn is normally identifiable in good weather. Return by the same path. An Alternate route is to scale Etheridge Ridge avoiding deep snow drift near Rawson's Pass which can be up to 2-3 metres in depth in section. Utilise Seaman's Hut as the half way point to rest, warm up and have a break. Always check weather conditions before attempting.
Drive to Charlottes Pass carpark.
Which maps cover the area?
A detailed description of the walk!
Do you need any permits? What's the cost?
How can I find more info? Any guide books?