Aussie Bushwalking can keep track of your bushwalks.
Login/signup to tick this walk off.Enjoy the early European history of Muogamarra Nature Reserve and admire the interesting geological features of Peats Bight, including Hawkesbury sandstone and impressive volcanic pipes filled with solidified magma. This tour takes you down Peats Ferry Road over historic road works into Peats Crater, and continues through lush rainforest and mangrove environments on the northern outskirts of Sydney.
Muogamarra Nature Reserve is only open to the public on selected weekends during the year to reduce disturbance to, and maintain the plants and animals calling it home.
Note the reserve this walk is in is only open six weekends a year, mid-August to late September.
From Sydney:
From Gosford/Newcastle:
Which maps cover the area?
Tour guided walks should be booked before arrival (they book out fast). You can also do this walk without a guide. The information centre at the car park will be able to provide you a map. The walk is well signed so it's pretty hard to get lost even without a map.
A Discovery activity fee applies to all people who visit the reserve during the six annual open weekends. Guided walks are included in the price. $10 adults, $5 children, $25 family.