Mt. Chausuyama 茶臼山 (Aichi Prefecture)


Mt. Chausuyama is the tallest mountain in Aichi prefecture, part of a Quasi-national park. It is very easy and can be smashed out with the neighbouring mountain in probably less than two hours. There are some good mountain biking opportunities if you are of that persuasion, maybe good for trail running as well. In winter, the mountain becomes a ski field.

Dogs Permitted
Cycling Permitted
Maximum Elevation

Getting there

Get to this hike by first driving to the 茶臼山 第一駐車場 (this is the carpark for the trail head). The hike begins immediately after exiting the car. 


Don't worry about it. 

Route/Trail notes

From the carpark, walk past the gift shops and to your right, you will see a grassy slope with a cafe on top of it. Walk up this slope which will lead you to a secondary carpark. From here, there will be a small path, marked by a wooden sign that says 茶臼山, follow this sign to the summit. 

Note that the left path across the concrete bridge will lead up the adjacent mountain, which is also worth hiking. 

The first part of the hike will be along some rolling green hills. Continue up this path until you reach a forest. From here it's a shortish hike to the top, continue following the path straight to the peak of Chausuyama and lovely ol'job. Follow same path back and hike the adjacent mountain by crossing the stone bridge. The path is concreted, you can also choose to walk up the grass. Either way will get you to the top and lovely ol' job. 


No cost unless you take the chairlift which is 500 yen one way or 800 yen return. 

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