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Login/signup to tick this walk off.This a walk that follows, where possible, the ancient roman road, the Via Egnatia, from Durres in Albania to Thessaloniki in Greece. I only walked sections, in Albania and Northern Macedonia. The highlights of the walk are spending several days walking on the remains of the Roman road, which are well preserved in one mountainous section of the walk, walking along the shores of Lake Ohrid and walking over the mountains from Ohrid to Resen.
Fly to Tirana and then bus to Durres or catch a ferry from Bari to Durres.
Open topo maps was good for whole route. You will need the guide book and gpx files from the Via Egnatia foundation. The walk is not waymarked
A detailed description of the walk! The first days walk is a gentle stroll along country lanes, with one section that involves a couple of muddy creek crossings. Second day is a nice walk along the ridge line of a range of hills above a river valley. after this, the walk is along the valley floor for two days and I skipped them. Next, from Elbasan to Miraki is good walking high in hills mostly and then back down to river valley. The next three days are along the actual Roman road in lovely high hill country. Beautiful. Great views. Then it is two days along the shores of Lake Ohrid before climbing over mountains and down to Resen on a long 30 km section. After this I left the walk. It is mostly along flat country and often on or near roads, so it didn't appeal.
Via Egnatia foundation guidebook.
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