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Grade 4
Distance: 1.5km return
Time: Allow 40 minutes
Visit The Granites, 10km north-west of Ten Mile Bore (pt 15km from ranger base) on the Boorara Road. Walk the 1.5km to a small outcrop of granite rocks, a unique feature of the park. Please respect the cultural significance of the area by not climbing on the granite rocks.
Roads are 4WD access only.
Drive to lakes Wyara and Numalla (85km round trip from the park office) to see some of inland Australia's most important wetlands and the variety of mulga lands habitats along the way.
Travel on the Beefwood Road (turn-off is 32km north-east of the park office) and pass 100-year-old gidgee fence posts, mulga and gidgee shrub, remnant stock yards and an old station hut.
Look for wildlife along the creek beds and clay plans on the 26km Werewilka Creek Circuit drive. Heritage enthusiasts should visit the old Caiwarro homestead site at the eastern end of the park (37km from the park office). Or reflect on a bygone era at the once bustling Currawinya Woolshed (4km from park office) and Boorara Woolshed (47km north of the park office).
You may also like to visit Hungerford on the Queensland/New South Wales border (20km south of the park office), where the historic Royal Mail Hotel still operates.
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