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Login/signup to tick this walk off.The Yelarbon Desert is a magnificent desert wilderness made from elevated, eroded level silty plains, these landforms are isolated to areas around Yelarbon near the State border. Grassland is scattered with shrubs and trees of Bull Oak, Tea tree, Belah Mallee Box and Poplar Box.
Much of the land type in this region consists of eroded soil, salinity scald, bleached sandy loam and light clay with intermittent Pitted Bluegrass, spinifex and Windmill (Inquisitive) grass and Roly Poly.
Our guided walk will take you into some of the most Eastern Desert in Australia at Yelarbon in South West Queensland. We do not rush... but take our time to experience the country’s beauty.
Enjoy a chat and a relaxing cup of Billy Tea & Anzac biscuits with your guide Julie Boyce on your return.
Go to Yelarbon, just before the Township turn toward Wyemo St it is at the end of Girle St.,-Lot-27-Girle-St,-Yelarbon,-Queensland:e-eyJuYW1lIjoiVHVtYmxlIERvd25zIERlc2VydCBXYWxrcyIsImFkZHJlc3MiOiJMb3QgMjcgR2lybGUgU3QsIFllbGFyYm9uLCBRdWVlbnNsYW5kIiwibGF0aXR1ZGUiOi0yOC41Nzc2NDA1LCJsb25naXR1ZGUiOjE1MC43NTYwNzMsInByb3ZpZGVyTmFtZSI6ImZhY2Vib29rIiwicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6MTY3NDI0Nzk5Mjc4ODM2M30=?map=-28.57764,150.75607,15,normal&fb_locale=en_GB
The Yelarbon Desert is a magnificent desert wilderness made from elevated, eroded level silty plains, these landforms are isolated to areas around Yelarbon near the State border. Grassland is scattered with shrubs and trees of Bull Oak, Tea tree, Belah Mallee Box and Poplar Box.
Much of the land type in this region consists of eroded soil, salinity scald, bleached sandy loam and light clay withintermittent Pitted Bluegrass, spinifex and Windmill (Inquisitive) grass and Roly Poly.
Our guided walk will take you into some of the most Eastern Desert in Australia at Yelarbon in South West Queensland. We do not rush... but take our time to experience the country’s beauty.
Enjoy a chat and a relaxing cup of Billy Tea & Anzac biscuits with your guide Julie Boyce on your return.
$10 and included a cup of Billy Tea and Anzac Biscuits