From Northbrook rd approx 2.5km west of the Mt Glorious township walk south on a forrestry track for 5kms before desending west on a singlebrack to Eagles nest and then descending down to the creek. head down stream bore passing through the gorge. go a further 2kms along the creek before ascending back to the road
How do you get to the start of the walk?Park 1 car at the sharp har pin corner car park on Northbrook rd and then drive up to the top of the mountain and park the other car approx 2.5km west of the Mt Glorious township. on the forrestry rd. This is where the walk sart.
Which maps cover the area? google
A detailed description of the walk!From Northbrook rd approx 2.5km west of the Mt Glorious township walk south on a forrestry track for 5kms untill you reach a mounded rock marker on the right side of the road, before desending west on a singlebrack down and up a saddle for a km to Eagles nest and then descending down a steep track to the creek. head down stream before passing through the gorge. go a further 2kms along the creek before ascending back to the road via a 500m single track just past a gully. You will come out at the bottom car park to drive back up
Do you need any permits? What's the cost?
How can I find more info? Any guide books?