Visit a few fantastic lookouts which capture the amazing Lost World Plateau, Moran's Falls and the border ranges including Mt Throakban. Can be combined with Moran's Falls, Lyrebird Lookout or the Wishing Tree walks.
Head up to O'Reilly's (see for details). Find the "Red Road" on the right just before the campground. The walk starts by heading down this road towards the O'Reilly Villas (not the guest house). Parking is available at the main O'Reilly car park just after the campground.
Walk down the road past the O'Reilly Slaughterhouse and around the U-Bend at the Red Cedar. You should find a sign pointing you to follow the road to the right across Morans Creek. Keep on the road, tending left at the next fork (right fork leads to Morans Falls).
The road rises reasonably steeply to another fork. The right leads directly to Balancing Rock and Castle Crag, but keep left towards Moonlight Crag.
At another turn in the road you should see an old sign in the forest pointing left to Moonlight Crag and right to Balancing Rock. Stick witth the road, but take notice of this point for the return journey.
Finally you'll reach a clearing and shortly after the start of a short boardwalk to Moonlight Crag. The actual lookout is fully built up and sometimes used for weddings and dinners. From the lookout you'll feel like you can reach out and touch the Lost World just across the Albert Valley below you. To your left you can see the McPherson Range including Mt Worendo and Mt Throakban.
Once you've finished at the crag head back along the road to the signpost mentioned previously. At this point don't follow the road's turn to the right, but rather head straight ahead into the forest along a track. This track pops over a hill and down to meet the road again near Balancing Rock. When you hit the road follow it to the left to Balancing Rock. The rock is currently cordoned off due to instability.
Traverse right around the rock and along the precarious ridge to the end of Castle Crag. From here you'll get more views of the Lost World and Albert River Valley as well as great look back at Morans Falls. If you're at all concerned about sharp drops then probably best to stop at Balancing Rock.
Finally head back along the road to your car.
You can visit Morans Falls by turning off the Red Road 100m before reaching the Slaughterhouse. After vising the falls keep heading onto the road and do a sharp U-Turn at the signposted fork. Alternatively follow the main Morans Falls track which starts about 1km before the main O'Reilly's carpark.
The turnoff for the Lyrebird Lookout is at the clearing just before the Moonlight Crag boardwalk and is signposted. Probably best to do Balancing Rock/Castle Crag before Moonlight Crag if you're walking in that direction (alternatively you could do Lyrebird Lookout first and use this walk to get back.
The wishing tree track meets the Red Road at the Red Cedar near the Slaughterhouse. It can provide a nicer walk to or from than simply following the road.
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