Moreton Island National Park


The islands of Moreton Bay contain a great selection of bushwalks and kayaking. From whale watching off the Point Lookout headland on Stradbroke Island to traipsing up Mt Tempest (280m) on Moreton Island, Moreton Bay offers a unique walking opportunity.

Popular Walks


Different areas have their own unique histories. From leper colonies and quarantine settlements to defensive forts built to keep invaders out who never came and whaling stations that now only shoot photos of these great mammals! 


Most of the islands offer natural coastal features but St Helena Island and Fort Lytton also offer an historical experience.

National Parks include:


Depends on the island. A range of barges will transport you there.


The Moreton Island Visitors and tourists Map shows all walks. 


Moreton Island

Tangalooma Resort and other  holiday houses are for rent


Moreton Island

There are 5 official campgrounds and bush camping on the island.

Stradbroke Island

There are both private and council caravan parks as well as beach camping available.

8.7 km one-way
2.5 hrs

Telegraph Track

Park at Mt Tempest. Listed as a 4-6 hour return hike but i completed it in 2.5 hours as a fit solo walker.
All sand being located on Moreton Island and you certainly work the calves as a result! Some elevation but nothing major. Some good views to the Pacific Ocean when your high enogh on some of the climbs.
Great walk full of birds and lizards running around the place with no sight of snakes the day I walked. Good thing to do when tour living on the island 🌴