A great walk in Narawntapu National Park.
How do you get to the start of the walk?
From the Narawntapu National Park visitor Centre
Which maps cover the area?
Maps of Narawntapu National Park
A detailed description of the walk!
From the visitor centre follow the trail out to the bird hide. Enjoy the short side trail then continue on. Eventually youll get to the Archer's Knob turn off which you can follow up hill and do the little loop at the top before returning. After rejoining the main trail its a short walk out to the beach. Turn left on Bakers Beach and follow it until the turn off to rejoin the loop which will bring you to the main path not too far after the bird hide. Retrace your steps to start.
Do you need any permits? What's the cost?
Free if you have parks pass
How can I find more info? Any guide books?
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