Over two thousand engravings, ochre stencils and freehand paintings adorn the 62m-long sandstone walls of this significant Aboriginal site. The Art Gallery contains one of the best examples of stencil art in Australia.
Drive into Carnarvon Gorge off the Carnarvon Highway via Carnarvon Access Road and follow to the end of the road, where there are the car parks and Information Centre.
Head out from the information Centre on the Main Track, that starts with a creek rock crossing. After 5.1km and five further creek crossings, a side track to the left (340m) will take you up to the Art Gallery.
Return by the same route.
A toilet stop is available just beyond the Moss Garden turn off.
Most people will take the opportunity to travel further into the gorge to visit Wards Canyon, the Amphitheatre and Moss Garden (14km) return, or if you have the time and energy down to Big Bend and Cathedral Cave (24km) return.
The Gorge is a long way out, so there are a number of places just outside of the National Park to camp: Takarakka Bush Camp, Wilderness Lodge and Sandstone Park and in the holiday season, Carnarvon Gorge Camping Area.
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