Boris Zoubakin

54 walks ticked

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Number of Walks Ticked
Total Distance Ticked
Name Date Difficulty Distance/Duration
Mt Nebo Lookout Track (D'Aguilar National Park)
31 May, 2010
7.5km return
2.5 hrs

We attempted this track with all our gear and camped out overnight due to the time we ended up there. Great views of the coastline. Great morning shots of the sunrise over the water.
When we arrived we saw that there had previously been a camp fire made. But unfortunately they had just walked away from it without cleaning up the site. So I cleaned up the site and prepared it for our own camp fire while others were out gathering wood. It was a great time friends sharing good times and making memories.
When we left there was no sign that we'd even been there.

Another day.... Another walk....
Morelia Track (D'Aguilar National Park)
31 May, 2010
6km return
2 hrs
Started this walk at night.. Headtorches on and all wearing full backpacks. We got to the lookout late. We camped overnight took some great night shots of the stars and the cost line. Also when it came to dinner everyone shared what they had brought along it was our little feast. With good friends comes good times out on the track.
On the way there the track was easy to follow well made track. Enjoyed looking for the old mile markers. We set up camp and early the next morning we were busy taking sunrise shots over the water.
A slow and relaxed breakfast followed by a bit of exploring the area and we were soon ready to begin putting away our gear and getting ready for the walk back. During the night a little windy but otherwise conditions good.

Another day.... Another walk....
Bare Rock track and Morgan's Walk (Main Range National Park)
23 May, 2010
4.5 hrs
Started early to get everything done today. We walked up to Mt Cordeaux and had a meal break and met so many wonderful and interesting people from the single walker to a group of Elderly walkers and couples. Having chats along the way and sharing information about backpacks and equipment and just admiring the wonderful views together.

Track to Mt Cordeaux has been cleaned up. from Cordeaux to Morgans Lookout is good most of the lookout has trees blocking the views but there are 2 good spots where you can get some good pictures.

Morgans to Bare Rock seem longer than what they are posted but we did the walk no problems. Also found the survey marker on Bare Rock.

All I have to say from there is "WOW"

Another day....Another walk....
Westside Track (D'Aguilar National Park)
19 May, 2010
6km return
2.5 hrs
Started this walk early in the morning .....brrrr.. cold. 12 degrees C. Put the jacket on and the gloves then headed off.

The track is well worn and easy to follow. Just after the beginning approx 100m in there are plenty of vines hanging down. It is easy to pass under them. Keep on the track for about 600m then you'll reach the Western Window. Great views here to be had.

After a rest keep going until you reach Lawton Road. Turn right and continue uphill until you reach the main road. Then continue back down the road back to where you started or stop at the Western Window go along the track again until you reach the T junction turn left here and follow the track back towards along Joyners Ridge Road.

From there you will emerge from the bush lower than where you started. Walk back up the road to where you started. And it's a great place to have lunch/ coffee and relax.

Another day.... Another walk....
Morelia Track (D'Aguilar National Park)
17 May, 2010
6km return
2 hrs
Started this walk in very late afternoon. The track is very clear and easy to follow. Only one obstruction a vine hangs low but is easy to pass under.

As you are walking to the lookout, look on your left side and you'll see old mile markers along the way. Really interesting piece of history.

Towards the end of the walk there's a junction where it meets the Mt. Nebo track continue straight ahead and up ahead curving to the right slightly. Then coming into sight is a large mass of flat rock - there are limited views through the clearing. But an interesting sight at night.

From the lookout to the left there are a pile of large rocks walk through here to the highest point and there are totally amazing views westward. Fantastic for seeing the sunset.

After having dinner in the dark under lantern light. I headed back eager to test out my new headlamp. All good there.

Whenever testing or using new gear I find it of benefit to use the item firstly at home. So you have in your memory how to use the equipement with home close by incase things don't work. Also practice changing batteries/ settings in the dark and finally take your new gear on a small walk. Then when you have everything 'down pat' take it out on all your walks.

- People have camped here before. I assume overnight.
Golden Boulder Track (D'Aguilar National Park)
16 May, 2010
1 hr
What a great walk! So interesting the local history. The track was dry the odd rock sticking up but otherwise no problems. Please DO NOT TAKE SHORT CUTS barriers have been errected.

We took alot of photos. A must-do if local history interests you.
Aboriginal Artwork Track/ Hoop Pine Trail (Mt. Coot-tha)
9 May, 2010
Very Easy
1 hr
At the moment the creek beds are mainly dry. But would be spectacular after rain. It really is a good place to bring overseas visitors and make a day of it and go to the top of mount Cootha as well.

I walked this track and found it very interesting. Too bad there wasn't a downoadable guide with more explainations somewhere.

I added this walk to my summit walk a must do.
Thylogale Track (D'Aguilar National Park)
3 May, 2010
9km return
2 hrs
Started this walk thinking that I would have to make my way through thick over grown lantana but to my surprise there has been major removal of weeds from the Jollys Lookout end.

Compared to the last time I walked this track, what a breeze this walk was. The 4km went by so quickly.

And I met so many people along the way.... All enjoying the outdoors + bushwalking great to see.

I think this walk has been added to my favourite list :-)

Another day.... Another walk....
Mt Mitchell (Main Range National Park)
18 Apr, 2010
3.5 hrs
A great day for a walk. To my surprise there had been track work. Since the last time I was up this way. The weeds were removed and track cleaned up. Fallen trees had been cut in half. It was good to see.
Along the way up we saw kings parrots and doves in the bush just after the first set of stairs approx @ approx 900m and some bush doves (the brown ones).
Making our way out of the bush and along the exposed side facing Mt. Cordeaux my wife came acroos her first snake. A dark green snake they both moved so fast. (I've never seen my wife move so fast !)
Once we rounded the side of the mountain it became much cooler and more pleasant to walk. We soon were at the top what views. That's where we had lunch and spent 2hrs without anyone else up there. A great introduction for my wife.
I've know on top of Mt. Mitchell can sometimes be a carpark. Some weekends i've seen more than 15 people trying to get to the edge and get some photos.
It happened just right for us for when we had packed up and left another group was just heading up. Perfect timing. And further down the mountain another couple was on their way up in the late afternoon. Also a good time to see the sun setting over the west.
I would also like to add, be prepared when going to the top it can be so hot and you can sunburn very easily there, also on the other hand in a moments notice you can be wet be a passing shower. It rained twice while we were up there during the 2hrs .

Another day....Another walk
Mount Edwards (Moogerah Peaks National Park)
13 Apr, 2010
6km return
3 hrs
After a nice drive from Brisbane we arrived at the Lake Moogerah great views out over the water towards Mt. Greville. As we prepared for the walk checking maps etc. Then we made our way across the Moogerah Dam wall.
Next the track continued up hill.From as soon as you enter the bush there are plenty of spiderwebs the entire way up. I would say at least every 2m maybe it has been a while since walkers were last up this way.
So grab a stick or use your walking pole out in front of you and just push the webs down. (On our way back down later that day there were webs back up again.... those spiders are hard workers)
On our way up we were stopping at every 100m meters elevation for a drinks break. Due to the steepnes of the walk we ended up drinking alot of water.
At the top of the mountain there is a survery marker as well as an older marker from the '70s. From the centre there are great views of the surrounding countryside if you do a little of exploring of the top you can find some hidden lookouts with views as well.
After some lunch at the top and allowing time for our wet clothes to dry we made our way back down. What a great day and walk.

You must do it someday.

Another day.... Another walk
Mount Kiangarow (Bunya Mountains)
11 Apr, 2010
2.3km return
1 hr
Did the 1.1km in under 19mins with full pack on. It was quite fun to push ourselves. At the very top there are only views towards the East. And the lookout has numerous rocks to sit on.

Watch out for the stinging plants everywhere. Views all thge way to the coastline uninterrupted. Be ready for change of conditions. They really do happen within 5mins.

If you follow the track back down and approx 50m from the lookout there is a side track going to your right when facing down the track. This will take you to good western side views, worth the effort and since more and more people are going over there soon the track will be well worn.

The weather changed 7 times in an hour while up there.
Ghinghion Lookout (Bunya Mountains)
11 Apr, 2010
4km return
90 mins
This is a hardly used walk most people will do the Cherry Plain circuit and not veer off to the lookout (since most of the view is available from Mt Kiangarow) So it's really worth the effort just after it has rained and the waterfall is at its peak
Corymbia Circuit (Brisbane Forest park D'Aguilar National Park)
5 Apr, 2010
Very Easy
30 mins
A nice little walk. Enjoy the cafe at the Information centre.
Witches Falls (Tamborine National Park)
25 Mar, 2010
3.4km return
75 mins
It was nice and sunny as we headed off, down the track 300 meters in, it started raining. This is an example of how rapidly the conditions can change on Tamborine so be prepared. Firstly we went to the Witches falls lookout. The view west is becoming overgrown by many eucalypt trees growing up. And from the lookout the view of the falls are also starting to become obsecured by a palm tree.


If your prepared to go off track great views from the bottom of the falls are well worth it.

NOTICE: The Witches falls circuit is closed due to landslide and trees from previous storms. ONLY travel along this track if you are well prepared.

On the way back up a scrub turkey lead us all the way to the cemetary !
Cedar Creek Falls (Tamborine National Park)
25 Mar, 2010
1km return
30 mins
During times of heavy rain or flooding, access to this walk may be cut off.

There are plenty of carparking at this walk. Not to mention many BBQ's and tables. It is also suggested on this walk to stay within certian areas due to numerous cliff faces and the chance of flash flooding. People have been injured by jumping into the rock pools here and numerous signs tell you this on the way in.

The track has bitumen on it nearly all the way. The first stop after crossing the broadwalk bridge has views of the first waterfall. These are good but interrupted by small trees and shrubs.

It is not recommended but go down a little further go over the railing and down to a flat rocky area infront of the falls for really good shots of the first falls. And as soon as you are done come back the same way and continue down the track.

The second falls comes into view soon and there is a rock pool there where people often swim. There are plenty of sign on the opposite rock face warning people not to dive, slide down the falls or jump in. (watch out if taking a dip SUBMERGED LOGS )

Next is the third falls where just about everyone goes to cool off. There is a rope hanging from a tree branch (I would not recommend using this) most people just swim about and cool off in the third pool. It is accessable via a dirt track leading off just before the exit to the second waterfall.

Another day.... Another walk....
The Pyramid (Girraween National Park)
21 Mar, 2010
3.8km return
2 hrs
We set off from Brisbane at 02:00 ( the -O- is for oh my god its early !!!!) We stopped at 06:00 in Stanthorpe for a coffee and a quick snack then continued on our way to Girraween.

On arrival a the park it was full of kangaroos. So we wondered around checking out the information centre the toilets and just generally watching the kangaroos eat and play around with each other.

By this time we were making preparations, packing the backpack organising water and keeping a light jacket on since it was quite cool around 20 degrees c.

Our plan was to take as many pictures as possible along the way since we didn't know when we would be coming this way again. So off the granite arch we went.

You really start to feel small inbetween all these huge granite rocks everywhere. After some time at the granite arch we made our way back to the track heading towards the first pyramid.

Then "The steps of doom start" :-) As i was walking along these steps i'm thinking "just put one foot infront of the other you'll be ok " We broke through the tree line to reveal the bottom of the first pyramid !!! :-O

From this point on just follow the standard white paint markers going up the face of the rock. And when you reach the top......


We set up our brunch campsite cooked up something to eating and proceeded to go through 2 memory cards, so many photos so little time.

Eventually when we have enough time we'll climb the second pyramid. I would base camp in the provided campgrounds.

Another day.... Another walk....
Mt Cordeaux (Main Range National Park)
14 Mar, 2010
6.8km return
2.5 hrs
This morning headed up to Cunninghams Gap. Rope attached to backpack. As we progressed further up the track it was apparent that there had NOT been anyone from NPWS along the track. (Bizzare considering the Rangers Station is just past the crest carpark !!!?????) Small to Medium sized trees still lay across the track as well as plenty of vines from the last time I was up there.
We came across the fallen tree and canopy again. Time to break out the rope. I climbed up with the rope, attached it and everyone from my party proceeded to climb up. I fear before long if the NPWS doesn't clean up this corner the track will soon change course.
Along the way the track is wet so be careful while walking as the rocks/ stones can be very slippery. Don't forget to walk within sight of each other.
From the Gold mine onwards the wind is extremely strong. Watch out on the cliffside. It is, as always a great little walk to go on. Good prep for Mt. Mitchell. And due to the rain and strong wind we didn't go any further.
Hopefully before I come back to Mt. Cordeaux the fallen tree canopy is cleaned up. But just incase i'll be ready.... Today it has rained on both sides of Cunninghams Gap. Great to see the peaks covered in cloud ! What a sight.

Another day.....Another walk.....
Twin Falls Circuit (Springbrook National Park)
6 Mar, 2010
4.6km return
90 mins
Go now, go now, go now, go now, go now, go now, go now, go now


Since there has been so much rain all of the waterfalls are running at peak flow. If you wait too much longer you might miss out. And the incredible noise is amazing the power of nature is something to behold. When the waterfalls run at peak it is just as good as anywhere in the world.

This is a great walk to go on. I walked it and it was extremely slipperly and wet (raining). Watch out for all the exposed tree roots. And the wet rocks very careful..... But the reward was firstly making it to Twin falls. We followed the track to the next waterfall down the river from the twin falls creek.

Just take plenty of time at TWIN FALLS. I mean sit there and take it in. Also since it was raining we were not able to have a lunch break instead we sat and sipped our camelbaks. And had lunch later back at the top.

And if you have a video camera i would strongly recommend bringing it along. And then exploring the rest of the walk. We did and were pleasantly surprised.

We met a few walkers, family groups, and one tour group. And this brings me to something i'll write an article about sooner.... stayed tuned.

Araucaria Track (Brisbane Forest park D'Aguilar National Park)
5 Mar, 2010
90 mins
I would recommend starting this walk very early. Firstly to miss all the crowds. Secondly while it is still quiet and you walk quietly you can some really good pictures of the waterbirds.

We combined this walk with the Corymbia Circuit. A really good early morning walk close to the city.
Toohey Forest to Mt Gravatt (Brisbane City Council Local Walks)
1 Mar, 2010
2 hrs
I discovered this walk online at Brisbane City Council website when I was looking for a local park with BBQ's.

Start from the Toohey Forest and go along Toohey Ridge track until you reach the SE freeway then walk along side the freeway briefly downhill towards a tunnel. Which is part of the Inter Campus Link track.

Continue along this track under the M1 highway and up the hill. You will reach Messines Ridge Road (hope i got the spelling correct) turn right towards Circular Drive round-a-bout go straight ahead (left) and walk along the pathway and or side of the road where safe.

Keep walking past the small cooling towers and follow the track left to Mt Gravatt (mountain).

Keep following the signs to Mt Gravatt Lookout. Amazing views of Brisbane CBD skyline from here. and other areas

This is a great spot for lunch.

Then return same way. Have fun.