Wilson's Peak

Main Range National Park

Follow the Qld/NSW rabbit fence to a peak that straddles the border (similar to Mount Cougal)

Scrambling or Climbing
Navigation Required

Getting there

From the Boonah-Rathdowney road, turn onto Carney's Creek Road. Follow it all the way to the rabbit fence. Where the road meets the rabbit fence there is a little area to the right where you can park your car facing East. If you hit the Boonah Border gate and cross into NSW, go back into Qld by about 1 km)


There is no real need for a map, just follow the rabbit fence to just short of the summit.

Qld Sunmap doesn't list the walk as a trail. The map shows a cliff at a steep climb halfway up the mountain, though shows just steep contours at what is really the cliff at the final section near the peak

Route/Trail notes

The navigation of the route is quite easy. Start walking with the rabbit fence on your left. The first few kilometres go undulate, sometimes rather steeply, along a fire trail. You eventually start getting views of Wilson's Peak before the track leads into thicker rainforest.

DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS WHEN THE TRACK IS WET! We did, going against the warnings from my guide book, and it was a horribly hard walk. Once the rainforest has been entered the track becomes extremely steep and slippery with only unreliable loose rocks and roots to grab onto, or the barbed wire rabbit fence. We spent most of the time falling or controlled sliding.

Once you've entered the rainforest, keep following the rabbit fence up and up. Eventually the fence gets mossier and loses the barbed wire, and crows nests start growing along the trees and rocks.

The first cliff area the fence continues but you'll need to head left of the fence about 50m and through another fence and then immediately up to join back to the rabbit proof fence. Don't take the lower cliff as it's very exposed  

Eventually you'll get to where the fence finishes and is anchored into the cliff face itself. Any rabbit that has gotten to this point deserves to get across the fence (in my opinion).

To the LEFT of the cliff face, there is a very small path that should be easy to follow. If not, just start walking with the cliff face constantly on your RIGHT. After approximately 10-15 minutes (it took us a while because of the rain and wind) you will see a track that leads up to the summit. Follow this up, over the well worn tracks through the tea trees to the peak. The peak is amongst the trees, but there is a survey marker and a cairn at the point. From the cairn, walk along a track 15 metres towards the Queensland side, where you can sit and enjoy the view before heading back down the steep and slippery descent.



Other References

We grabbed this one from "Take a Walk in South East Queensland" pg 280


very steep. peaceful at the top.

Nok on 22 Apr, 2023

The entrance to this walk is about 30 or 40 metres up Hardcastle Rd where there is a turnabout parking area. The rabbit fence is clearly visible from here. A new rabbit fence is currently being built, so it's easy to follow the track for the first 4 undulating kilometers. For the last 2 kilometers the track thins out and pretty much rises straight up. When the rabbit fence ends you have to go RIGHT and skirt halfway round a cliff face till you see a rock access to the top. Do a short rock scramble, then follow a foot pad to the summit which is marked by a cairn. Twenty metres from the cairn is a great place to have lunch and view the scenery. Total time to do the hike was 5 hrs 15 min incl. a 30 min lunch break.

Jeff on 19 Jun, 2022

Tried the Wilson's creek circuit as described in the 1990s bushpeople's guide. The start near Teviot gap is a bit overgrown, but once you're past the farmland it's reasonably clear along the north ridge. Plenty of posts from the old rabbit fence. Also a clear route down the east ridge. However Wilson's creek has a lot of fallen trees and undergrowth, including stinging trees. Its smooth sides can also get slippery, so there's a fair amount of wading through pools. Then a bit of a road bash back. I'd recommend skipping the creek and keeping to the north and east ridges as a there and back.

guy taking his kids on 7 Feb, 2021

I wouldn't want to attempt this in the rain as it really is very steep and there's not much to hold on to. It took us 2 hrs 45 mins to the top (including breaks and a look around at the top) and 1 hour 45 mins down. We were on the QLD side of the fence... the path is to the right of the cliff face, not the left (and you certainly wouldn't want to be jumping the barbed wire fence to get onto the NSW side anyway). Great adventure and I'm really happy that I've done it but I wouldn't necessarily do it again.

Caitlin on 10 Aug, 2020

Mixed feelings on this one. I enjoyed the scenery, the solitude (had it to ourselves) and the views headed up. The uphill and downhill is tough as it’s slippery even in dry weather and the views at the summit are limited. Still I think it’s worth doing once. I prefer Mount Cougal

Juiced Pixels on 7 Jun, 2020

Did this walk yesterday. Absolutley brilliant. Started on the western side and followed the border fence up. Steeper than i thought it would be. Going back Sunday due to my son losing his mobile phone around the cliff base before the last climb up to the top.

Shane on 16 Apr, 2020

I did this walk today in perfect conditions and the notes were spot on. No navigation skills needed as long as you can recognise a fence and a rock wall. I was surprised to find the fence in such good condition for most of the way, although there were a few small branches and trees across it in a few places, it must still be being maintained up to a point where no rabbits would venture. Glad I took the poles too as the leaf litter on the steep slopes made for a lot of slipping, one pace forward then slide half a pace backwards. Only one spot at the top with a view, but it was a good one. For reference only, it took slightly over three and a half hours up and back and I am 70, so the 6 hour allowance is quite liberal in my opinion

jgmansell on 24 Jul, 2019

It was bucketing down rain and ridiculously slippery

JakeTheHiker1 on 4 Jul, 2019

Very detailed description that was all completely accurate. Took me 2hrs up and 1hr 45 down. Very easy mountain to navigate, you walk along the fence for the vast majority so very hard to get misplaced. The first 3/4s is undulating so you don't really gain any altitude until you get to the steep hike up the peak. VERY similar to Mt Cougall, views aren't quite as good and the uphill component is certainly longer. Saw a snake on the way back, fortunately it was on the NSW side of the fence. Could have hugged the fence if it wasn't covered in barbed wire.

Vonsnrub on 25 Mar, 2019

2 hours up, 1 hour 45 minutes down. Nearly stepped on a carpet python near the top

JakeTheHiker1 on 8 Jan, 2019

Easy to follow walk, but I must have come up the opposite side to the person who wrote the route navigation as everything was the opposite. I needed to be on the left side of the fence, and the path following the cliff face was to the left, not the right. Other than the confusing part looking for the path to the right, pretty easy to follow, with some limited but great views at the top. Definitely don't do it when wet.

B_razzle on 28 May, 2017

Great walk that for last 1.5klm of the outward leg is awesomely steep. Coming down is tricky with the leaf letter and moisture, slipped a couple of times.

Twevr on 28 May, 2017

Navigation is easy but dont do this walk in the wet.
Extremely steep hiking!

View from the top were hampered by low fog but otherwise a fun mountain to climb.

dalehikes on 21 May, 2017

Easy enough to navigate as you have the fence to guide you. The last part around then up the peak is easy enough. The steeper parts along the fence up towards the peak make this walk worthwhile as it can be challenging. The view is limited but nice. Took just over 3 hours for the round trip.

Grant on 1 May, 2017

Glad I had my walking poles with me - some steep sections not much rock scrambling. 2hrs up, 1.5 down. Cold on the summit this morning.

Shelley Green on 24 Oct, 2016

Well, to be honest, I wouldn't call it a track. It was like: let's go up on this ridge, even if it's overgrown by thick bush. The main difficulty on this hike was to find at least a tiny little path to walk on. You can find some old, rotten poles and some patches of rabbit fence wires as you progress further and use them as navigation aid but due to the thick vegetation it’s very easy to miss them and get lost.
So most of the time we were either pushing through thick vegetation (real bush bashing) or wondering aimlessly to find our way or jumping over/crawling under wired fences. For us it was more like a bush navigational exercise. 3 hrs up and 2 hrs down with lot of GPS usage. On the way up we chose to go around the big farm with the new fence from the right side, the way back we came from the other side but I’m still wondering which could have been the original track as both ways were equally hard to do :) The rocks at the top were not very difficult and the view was superb!
In summary, awesome experience but would not do it again soon :)

Greg on 7 Aug, 2016

Ascended via west ridge, descended part way down east ridge then via Kinnanes Falls to car shuttle point. 1.5hrs to summit, 6hrs total. Good conditions but a bit hazy.

Michael on 31 Jul, 2016

Very slippery walk in morning dew. Ideally not a walk to do super early. Gloves recommended as at times there is not much to hold on to other than the border fence.

alxhoff on 1 Feb, 2016

Was a good walk to tick off the list. Wouldn't do it again any-time soon. There were a few fallen trees along the fence which had to be navigated around.The lookout after the final rock scramble was fairly nice but it is quite blocked off as it has overgrown a bit.

Definitely do this walk when it hasn't rained, it was an interesting slip n slide on the way down. Also would recommend if using the Take a Walk in S.E Qld book to keep driving along Carney's Creek Rd until you go past the National park sign, then when you see a service road on the right with the rabbit fence following to park there.

Otherwise drive just before the border gate and park there. Was an easy gate to jump over to get started.

Michael_G on 15 Jun, 2015

Steep, but the views are perfect, well worth the effort

Shell on 24 Apr, 2015


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