Mount Tibrogargan Summit

Glass House Mountains National Park

Almost a free climb instead of a hike.

It’s quite tricky to actually find it. Come off the Steve Irwin way at Matthew something park and drive around the back and through a tight railway tunnel then off to the right. You’ll pass some farming sheds on your right and the track to the car park is on your left.

According to Jinibara people’s lore and custom, Beerwah is the ancestral, pregnant mother. Tibrogargan is seen as the father with Ngungun, his faithful dingo, lying at his feet. The mountains around them are their children. Coonowrin is the eldest. The others are Beerburrum, Coochin, Elimbah, Tibberoowuccum, Miketeebumulgrai, Tunbubudla and, the youngest is currently known as Wild Horse Mountain.

Aboriginal people do not climb these mountains out of spiritual respect to Jinibara and Kabi Kabi peoples. They ask that visitors refrain from climbing them for the same reason.

Picnic Facilities
Scrambling or Climbing
No Dogs Permitted
No Camping Permitted
Eucalypt Forest

Getting there:

From Steve Irwin way from the Bruce Highway. Turn on to Barrs Rd to get to Tibrogargan.


Glass House Mountains Walking Tracks

Route/Trail notes:

Start on the Tibrogargan circuit walk and eventually you'll get to a sign pointing to the summit. It goes up pretty steeply until you get to the base of a cliff. From this point follow obvious wear marks to scramble up and up and up. Eventually it levels off with more bush and you're at the 364 metre summit!

Other References/Comments:


Did this for the first time as part of a successful one day, double summit attempt, along with Beerwah. Much less physically challenging than Beerwah, and as others have said, far better holds that inspire confidence.

Saw a lot of groups turn around at the beginning of chicken point - just take your time, follow the yellow markers, and take nice small easy steps and you'll find it far easier. Be patient, no need to rush.

The first two pitches of scrambling are the hardest and then it gets considerably easier from there.

Views from the top are amazing and well worth the effort. Even in August, and early morning, it was relatively hot and we easily went through 2L of water between 2 people.

Quite a quick one in the end. Took just over 2 hours with a considerable stop up at the summit for photos and some snacks.

10/10 Will definitely be back.

We went on to do Beerwah straight after, which was a little more challenging but so worth it.

Paul B on 25 Aug, 2019

Beautiful hike. Have done this a few times before but took our 6 year old son up this time. He loved it. A few challenging parts, but take your time and look for hand and foot holds and you will be fine. Once you make it passed the initial two sections it gets a bit easier. There was a rescue going on in the background when we went. The track was a little dry and dusty but there were plenty of people doing it. We saw a lot of people lose the mental challenge after the first few sections and return back. Just keep focussed on the hike and enjoy it.

Cityofangels on 17 Aug, 2019

Finally bagged this bad boy after nearly two years of climbing mountains around greater Brisbane. It plays a tough mental game, particularly just after chicken rock, but it's worth the effort, and not even the most taxing I've done.

JayWalker on 21 Jul, 2019

If you’ve done Beerwah, you can do Tibro.
I went in that order and found Tibro to be considerably less challenging physically, and climb wise, there are parts that are much steeper, but there are far more obvious hand holds and paths.
Still challenging, but if you’re put off by some of the comments just know that it’s absolutely doable! Pay attention, take it slow and this climb is suitable and fun for everyone.

ChrisK on 23 Jun, 2019

In my opinion the first first rock climb was the hardest.... I am petrified of heights and may have had a panic attack in this part but once I had gotten past it the climb was easier. Thoroughly enjoyed the climb back down, was not as scary. One you must do!!!

Kmacd on 16 Jun, 2019

I found parts of Mt Tibro just as scary as Mt Beerwah. I'm always afraid of coming down and there were parts where I had to turn and face the rock which makes it tricky to find where to place your feet. But is well worth the effort

Chris M on 7 Apr, 2019

6 of us went to hike up My Tibrogargan all for the first time. We knew it's steep but wasn't sure how much until we started to approach. Chicken rock was quiet short and intimidating step if you are scared of heights. After this step was fairly easy scramble but still steep. Beautiful view of Mt Beerwah and surrounding from just below the summit. All out team did exceptional work by looking after each other and making the hike successful.

Mark Aryal on 4 Feb, 2019

FOR ANYONE WANTING A VISUAL OF THE CLIMB - It's a challenging climb to be sure.

Jared M Stegman on 26 Jan, 2019

Was a great trip to do Tibro after climbing Beerwah in Mid-2018. A shorter trip than Beerwah but probably steeper but with better grip so hard to say which is more challenging, each is unique and well worth doing if you have a head for heights.

Even in summer it is doable as the western face is fully shaded. Going up the caves route would be pretty toasty I imagine.

Most of the advice provided by others is pretty accurate, not loading yourself down is a good idea and having flexible shoes definitely helps. Generally speaking, there are plenty of alternative routes up other than the well worn track which aren't quite so eroded and therefore have better grip.

Can definitely get busy so giving way to other climbers can extend the time taken but pays to give people space and offer help if you feel comfortable. Having a spotter is great to assist with good handholds going up and down :-]

A good one to get the heart rate going and a nice workout before heading for a swim at one of the plentiful beaches nearby. Nice views towards the coast from the top and spot the city in the distance!

In summary: Great challenge and workout, anyone with a head for heights who takes their time should be able to manage, early morning would be the way to go as the route would bake in the afternoon.

Matty Vee on 19 Jan, 2019


krisztina on 12 Jan, 2019

Hi guys,

I’m very new to this having recently moved here from the UK. , I attempted Mt Tibogargan alone and while I consider myself to be relatively fit and agile, once I got past ‘Chicken Point’, I couldn’t confidently see a natural path/climb to get to the summit. Being alone and inexperienced (and reading about recent accidents and deaths), I decided to head back and save it for another day. At least I have something to aimaim towards.

I was wondering if any experience (or at least those who have reached the summit before) are planning on going up again soon as I’d love to tag along and finish the summit walk. Again, I’m new to this and
Don’t know many people. I often go out alone but would feel safer on some of the more difficult climbs if I were with someone more experienced.



Leeroy on 29 Nov, 2018


People will say "oh it's easy I did it in runners". Those people are giving bad advice that will get somebody killed, which tells me they aren't very experienced. Whilst it CAN be done in runners, I definitely would not advise it any more than I would advise to do the overland in thongs. Proper climbing shoes or even bare feet will provide a much safer experience.

Another user said "you definitely need to take plenty of water (2-3 litres)". This is also bad advice. That much water (as we found) drastically changes your centre of gravity during the most dangerous part of the climb, and is definitely not recommended. If it is that hot and sunny that you need that amount of water, then I would advise that you take a large bottle and leave it at the base of the vertical climb.

IF you know anybody who has done the climb before, do your best to make a day to do it with them as they will have prior knowledge of foot/hand holds.

As you climb, with each step up, pause to looke around to re-orient yourself to the big picture around you. Don't just keep going to the next crag or nook you see, as it may be the wrong way and youll get stuck. Take at least one person with you, as you can 'spot' for each other. There are a lot of spots where you can't see your feet without dangerously leaning away from the wall, and it is in these places that you may need somebody ti verbally guide your feet (mainly during descent). Don't be afraid to ask a random person to guide your feet - people have been killed on this mountain and personally I'd prefer a little bit of embarrassment.

My partner and I had to abort this climb yesterday after turning up in sturdy walking shoes (merrels) and finding that footholds big or flat enough for our shoes were few and far between in the most dangerous section, plus we took bags after having stupidly taken the advice of people saying to take plenty of water. It is always recommended that you take plenty of water when hiking, but this is not a hike. So many people seem to be doing their best to sound cool by giving terrible advice, but this climb is dangerous if you go unprepared.

We WILL definitely be making a second attempt at this climb very soon, but we will be leaving our bags at the car and taking only a couple of cheap water bottles that we'll leave at the base of the climb.

Summary: possible in runners, but fairly silly to do it that way as runners don't have the traction (and definitely aren't designed for this kind of traction) or the toe control that is needed. Don't take a bag (if you do, make it a slim camelback type that hugs your back). Don't take food, as it is weight that is unecessary if you're fit enough for the climb. This is a very rare case where I would say to not take food - you will be back at your car fairly soon, so food shouldn't be an issue.

QldClimberWalker on 19 Nov, 2018

Steeper but shorter climb than Mt Beerwah. Plenty of hand and foot holds, steep and craggy. Took less than 30 minutes to ascend. Prettier up top than Mt Beerwah, with grass trees etc.and lovely walk around the base with views of other mounts. Not for kids or pets.

Coopsy on 10 Nov, 2018

The intentions was to omit this particular mountain as was described as very hard. 364 meters and the second steepest of the mountain family with a 3.2 km return. Some do it in an hour or even two. Slow and steady and safe is the best speed.
As it was I was on the way to Mount Tiberoowuccum and saw a large number of cars as I was about to pass. Thinking that so many cars must mean it wasn't so very hard, so I joined a group of young men for safety and up I went. Number eight in my self challenge I had set for myself to complete about 20 local mountains thus year.
Let it be emphasised that one needs take this climb very seriously and if one has vertigo, a weak heart, poor joints, or it is wet and damp then it should not be attempted. Many braggarts will make light of this climb since they may have indeed climber tougher, but the average person does not climb but walks a mountain. One also needs very good grip climbing shoes, at least some hat if not a hard hat for with so many newbies climbing rocks are sure to be dislodged. If you hear the shout of ROCKS! then dont look up but cover your head and hug the ground or mountain. Pass the shout on if the rock or rocks pass you. Gloves too were found to be really helpful.
The first wall is probably the hardest and believe me it literally means hand and feet finding every available tiny place to place fingers and toes. Do not be afraid to ask anyone to spot a good direction to move or where the next hold is.
The ascent will be in stages of 50-60 degree gradient. There are many places to fall or slip as you climb both up and down-so best take at least one fit buddy, trust in yourself and take 1-2 liters of water well secured in a small backpack--too large a one will perhaps topple you over as you clamber down bottom first much of the way.
The top flattens out and then goes a little further to another mini rise.
Half way there is a large rock called Chicken Rock. Do not hesitate to rethink the climb at this point without ego or jibing from foolish friends pushing you on if you feel you have lost confidence or are not sufficiently prepared. You can return another day.
The views are not easy to see with lots of various trees obscuring your sight, but push your way through the bushes here and there for some good photo shots.
POST SCRIPT. The reason so many cars in the car park? Most walk AROUND the mountain via a circuit! Laugh on me but I made it at 69. Wise climbers will admit respectful fear.
Inexperienced or unfit people should choose another mountain.

Paul on 15 Aug, 2018

Damn mountain got the better of me.
I like how people are saying this is EASY! 😳😳😳
If you’re scared of heights or of falling or your mind plays tricks on you causing you to freeze in place, just take each bit as it comes and don’t be afraid to turn back. Way too many people get hurt on these mountains.
Anyway,we got up the first climb but then saw the next long length of wall and I just couldn’t face it. So mad at myself about it though 😡

Jen on 21 Jul, 2018

very steep, very dangerous. must be a experienced in rock climbing.
great views all the way up

Simon Hutchen on 8 Jul, 2018

My 100th climb on Uncle Tibro :)

Aggy on 13 Apr, 2018


First section is almost a very low scramble? The path is rocky. I found it fine to walk but others took it slower. Second section (main portion) is a pretty relaxing climb, plenty of handholds. Steeper than beerwah, but an easier climb in my opinion, on account of the plentiful handholds.

Pretty nice views, including beerwah and the surrounding countryside. Summit is a little disappointing, too many trees to see 360, but if you follow the trail a little further, it opens out to a sort of cliff-side view of the land. Minus 1 point, would prefer somewhere with a greater variety of views, but still decent views nonetheless.

Would recommend for anyone who enjoys climbing and is confident. If you have experience climbing or scrambling you should have no problem.

Would recommend for people with a decent level of fitness but with little/no climbing experience, as long as you go with someone else with outdoor climbing experience or has successfully completed tibro in the past, to guide you along. Good balance, hand-eye co-ordination, flexibility, confidence and patience are more important here than raw muscle.

Sam on Apr, 2018

Great climb and one that you certainly can feel good about yourself once you get to the top. Chicken Rock at about halfway up is the point you'll reach where you make the decision to keep going or turn back. It is basically a 90 degree vertical climb using hand/foot holds approximately 25 - 30 meters in height.

Loose rock can be an issue underfoot if you do not watch where you are placing your feet so be sure to be mindful in that regard.

A great feather in the cap and looking forward to completing it again in the near future.

Steve on 18 Mar, 2018

Felt happy to conquer this today after an aborted solo attempt a year ago. Hard at the start - still challenging as you go but gets somewhat easier. Views at the top aren’t as good as I was expecting. Much too exposed for my liking and the day after I went a climber fell 30 metres on this track and had to be lifted out by a helicopter.

Juiced Pixels on 27 Jan, 2018


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