
19 walks ticked

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Number of Walks Ticked
Total Distance Ticked
Name Date Difficulty Distance/Duration
Point Pure (Brooyar State Forest)
30 Dec, 2018
Very Easy
410m return
15 mins
Peaceful spot, good variety in the area for abseiling and climbing.
Big Bend (Carnarvon National Park)
30 Dec, 2018
19.4km return
8 hrs
Worth the walk, but Big Bend itself was a bit of a letdown after the highlights along the rest of the walk.
Rainforest Circuit (Daintree National Park)
30 Dec, 2018
5km return
90 mins
Beautifully stewarded area.
Hooker Valley Track (South Island NZ)
Nov, 2018
10.3km return
3 hrs
Well-maintained walk, stunning in any weather. Gentle gradients only, and would recommend for any fitness level.
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park)
6km return
4 hrs
Excellent variety of bushland, and plenty of fun scrambling. It is easy to miss the turnoff into the gully, however. Keep a keen eye out!
Daves Creek Circuit (Lamington National Park)
12km return
4 hrs
Variety of fauna and terrain. Saw my first land mullet - frighted the daylights out of me initially thinking it was some type of snake. The little cave halfway is a surprising find. Good views.
Mt Cordeaux (Main Range National Park)
6.8km return
2.5 hrs
Jurassic views and fantastic lookouts.
Mt Barney - East Peak - Up South-East - Down South (Mt Barney National Park)
Very Hard
15km return
10 hrs
Lots of fun rock scrambing and hopping towards the top. Probably took us 9-10 hours with ample stops to enjoy the views. Allow an early and full day coming from Brisbane.
Cedar Creek Falls (Tamborine National Park)
1km return
30 mins
Not the place to go for peace and tranquility, but clearly a popular swimming and diving spot. Easy concreted paths.
Mount Bartle Frere - Eastern Approach (Wooroonooran National Park)
Very Hard
15km return
12 hrs
Definitely try for a dry day if you can - it's a choice between leeches and none. Did this one (after ditching the first leech-laden attempt and coming back on a dry day) over a solid 10 hours. Plenty of creek crossings to start with, and towards the top the walk opens up into a grand boulder jungle, well kitted with hand-holds/foot holds where needed. Shorter people and kids might need a bit of a hand in some parts though.
Barron Falls Lookout (Barron Gorge National Park)
Very Easy
1.2km return
45 mins
Easy walk. Magnificent in size even if it is only a drizzle. I can only imagine the thundering after a good rain.
Coomera Circuit (Lamington National Park)
6 hrs
Lots of gentle creek crossings. Did this one in 4-5hrs after an unplanned detour to Binna Burra at midday. Mostly gentle gradients.
Mt Warning Summit Trail (Wollumbin National Park)
8.3km return
5 hrs
Very social experience. Seldom without clouds at the top.
Mt Warning Summit Trail (Wollumbin National Park)
8.3km return
5 hrs
Very social experience. Seldom without clouds at the top.
Wineglass Bay (Freycinet National Park)
Nov, 2013
6.6km return
3 hrs
Cataract Gorge (Tasmania)
Nov, 2013
1.6km one-way
45 mins
Hard to believe this is so close to town. History and birdlife.
Cradle Mountain Summit (Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park)
Nov, 2013
18km return
7 hrs
Amazing walk with no peer on the Australian continent. Did this one in jeans and apparently ill-kitted for possible rainy weather later in the day - had some strange looks from the information centre - but the gamble paid off well and it stayed dry through the few hours' walk. Spots of snow up the top still in November were a novelty coming from Qld.
Mt Rufus (Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park)
Nov, 2013
18km return
7 hrs