Name | Date | Difficulty | Distance/Duration | |
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park) |
25 Apr, 2015 |
![]() Hard |
6km return 4 hrs |
Anzac day walk up Maroon, few people out today walking and a couple of people out climbing, nice day on top laying in the sun having lunch and great conversations with others who we were sharing the view with. | ||||
Toolona Creek and Mount Wanungra Lookout (Lamington National Park) |
3 Apr, 2015 |
![]() Medium |
20km 7 hrs |
Very wet walk today out on the tracks negotiating the creek crossings trying to prevent water flowing into my boots, you've got to love gortex :) got almost eaten alive by leeches, this was the worst I've ever experienced. Made it out just on 6pm after slogging it out along the border track in wet soggy socks after slipping in on the last water crossing. | ||||
Upper Portals (Mt Barney National Park) |
8 Jun, 2014 |
![]() Medium |
8km 3.5 hrs |
Commenced the walk from Mt May camping area so this meant being tortured by lugging our packs all the way up the 4x track to the Cleared Ridge car park, from here we made our way to Cleared Ridge where we layer on the green grass in the afternoon sun taking in views of Mt May and Mt Maroon then making out way down to Yamahra Creek camp site where we spent the night, explored the upper portals and further down stream by finding the by pass track so we didn't have to get our feet wet, next time we will do the walk through to lower portals... the return trip went back the way that road was hard on the knees and slippery under feet while having a full pack on your back...must of slid at least a dozen slipped over once...but after saying that was a incredibly rewarding experience.. :-) | ||||
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park) |
5 May, 2014 |
![]() Hard |
6km return 4 hrs |
Spent the night at Barney Lodge Camp ground, and drove around in the morning, today we are getting my brother to the top, did this a little slower today, so it felt really like a walk in the park after doing it last month..hmm i think my fitness is increasing.....had a fantastic day on top and spent our time eating lunch and taking in the views, met a couple form Byron Bay who are quiet avid walkers, enlightened them on a few other peaks and walks they may like to consider doing for their next adventure in the outdoors. | ||||
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park) |
21 Apr, 2014 |
![]() Hard |
6km return 4 hrs |
ascended via Cotswold track today in just under 1hr 30min, it was lunch time so it was a very hot walk, spent 30min on top then descended. as mentioned by others I noticed the new boot sprayer to kill any pathogens or fungi you may carry in... | ||||
Double Island Point Light House (Great Sandy National Park) |
22 Dec, 2013 |
![]() Easy |
2.1km return 1 hr |
Short walk up from the beach to take in excellent views of the coastline | ||||
Somerset Trail (D'Aguilar National Park) |
3 Aug, 2013 |
![]() Medium |
13km return 3 hrs |
Great views of Somerset dam to be seen from the top, excellent picnic area at the Gantry Day use area.... | ||||
Everest Base Camp (Nepal) |
11 Apr, 2013 |
![]() Very Hard |
120km 14 days |
Epic walk, spectacular scenery, and friendly people | ||||
Mt Barney - East Peak - South Ridge (Mt Barney National Park) |
8 Dec, 2012 |
![]() Very Hard |
17km return 10 hrs |
Walked up via peasents ridge and spent the night in rum jungle after summiting the views from the summit were spectacular today as a storm was brewing and swirls of black cloud was coming up from below us.......walked out the next morning. Quite challenging with a heavy pack and it was hot dam hot! the humdity was up a little too... | ||||
Caves Track (Lamington National Park) |
14 Oct, 2012 |
![]() Medium |
5.2km return 90 mins |
Have done this walk a few times over the years and its the driest I have seen it, but that just could be the time of year it is. The main point of interest is the Kweebani Caves, which were created by wind and rain erosion and were used for shelter and cooking. The track passes through these caves | ||||
Daves Creek Circuit (Lamington National Park) |
13 Oct, 2012 |
![]() Hard |
12km return 4 hrs |
Returned to Binna Burra this weekend to stay in the campground and decided to do this walk again to show off the views from Surprise Rock, started the walk just on lunch time, had lunch at mooloongee cave and was back by beer o'clock to have a shower and sit around the campfire. | ||||
Spicer's peak (Main Range National Park) |
22 Sep, 2012 |
![]() Very Hard |
6km return 4 hrs |
Returned to Spices peak today with a new team, it was hot, dusty and dry, the walk seem to take it out of me today, and just below the last section to the summit cliffs i had problems and had to continue almost one legged to the summit, this was a great accomplishment but the though of the return journey not being able to put too much pressure on my left leg was daunting....after having lunch we decided to decend, it was slow going for myself but i made it back to the carpark coverd in dirt, ash, and a limp.......later we found a few ticks attached to us to our horror..... but nothing a shower and a few beers cant fix.. | ||||
Albert River Circuit (Lamington National Park) |
15 Sep, 2012 |
![]() Medium |
21.8km return 7 hrs |
Well worth the effort!.Rewarded by great views and waterfalls..Completed this walk clockwise, commenced the walk around 11:00am and got to Echo point around 2:00pm set up camp at the second campsite 160 m down from the Echo Point lookout, spent the afternoon taking in the views of NSW and the coastline, that night did a walk out to the lookout to see the lights of Murwillumbah, Potsville and the lights along the coast, the next morning got up early to see the sunrise but the horizon was covered in clouds. After having breakfast and packing up, we walked back out passing the numerous waterfalls to the border track. Met another group out there who were heading to rat a tat hut, they invited us to go with them next time perhaps... | ||||
Daves Creek Circuit (Lamington National Park) |
1 Sep, 2012 |
![]() Hard |
12km return 4 hrs |
Started this walk about midday the air is chilly up here and there is a slight breeze. This walk has a bit of everything and enjoyed all it has to offer, had lunch at molongolee cave then continued on to Numinbah lookout, then on up to the volcanic dyke known as Surprise Rock...great views of the coast are to be had from here, surfers paradise, stradbroke, and views of nsw's,...spent a fair bit of time up here and explored the track to the end where you can climb down the tree to continue the walk...The rest of this walk was completed in the fading light as we exited the rainforest just on 5:30pm or so.... | ||||
Mt Greville (Moogerah Peaks National Park) |
26 Aug, 2012 |
![]() Hard |
6km return 3 hrs |
Enjoyed this walk today with Worldwalker and our small team.....I can't remember the gorge taking so long....Today is the beggining of tick season I declare, 1 tick was found on me and i seem to attract these creatures...I think from now we stick to rainforest tracks...I would rather leeches anyday over worldwalker said we decended via south east ridge and took in the views, breathed in a bit of dust and slid all the way to the bottom on the scree covered track.. | ||||
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park) |
19 Aug, 2012 |
![]() Hard |
6km return 4 hrs |
Had a great walk up Cotswold track today, it was a warm day and the track was really dusty due to the dry weather we have had. Had lunch on top and enjoyed the views for about an hour. | ||||
Mt Ngungun (Glass House Mountains National Park) |
11 Aug, 2012 |
![]() Medium |
2.8km return 90 mins |
Great short walk/scramble, enjoyed the small cave in the gully, great day on top the weather was just perfect. It was quiet busy on the summit with a big group of abseilers and people out enjoying the sun, explored the heath to the west out to the cliff edge then walked north around through the Heath to the small cliff line of the highest point and ascended the track to the right of this to reach the peak, layed on the sun for about 45 minutes them headed back down. | ||||
Mount Edwards (Moogerah Peaks National Park) |
21 Jul, 2012 |
![]() Hard |
6km return 3 hrs |
Jacked up on cold and flu tablets and not wanting to be bored at home decided to this walk today, great view of Mt Greville across the dam, enjoyed the walk across the dam wall, then the walk begins not to bad compared to the other peaks and mountains in the area, but even thought it was cool and breezy I was sweating like crazy this wasn't good particularly when your sick, got to the top of Mt Edwards and quickly took my soaking wet shirt of and rugged up in two fleeces as it was cold and windy on top, spent about an hour and half up the top exploring and chasing the sun to find I spot to sit, had lunch and drank the remainde of my water, hmmm I was quiet slack today and didn't fill the Camelbak and only had 750ml for the entire walk..but really that was all I needed, and enjoyed not having to carry the extra weight, but I can see in summer and warmer months you would need a little bit more then that, anyway I hope today doesn't make me any sicker then I am hopefully the fresh air and the sweating was good for me. One more peak down and a few more to go.... | ||||
Spicer's peak (Main Range National Park) |
23 Jun, 2012 |
![]() Very Hard |
6km return 4 hrs |
What a great day for a walk....fairly windy today and there's a chill in the air, walked up from governors chair along the cliff ... Then found the main track, continued onward and upward, gets steep in parts and the loose dirt under foot makes it a little harder, there is a few scrambles nothing to difficult, loved walking through the tussocks of grass and the grass trees as I was nearing the summit cliff, at this point I was by myself as the rest of the party didn't continue with me, it's kinda eerie up here by yourself cause it's so quiet and the wind had stilled, I continued on towards the cliffs, and found the track the follows the cliffs to the right and made my way up thought the forest via the loose dirt track that cuts through towards the top, then followed the trail to the summit and the cairn of rocks, there's a good view through the trees looking out to the east..the return journey was quiet fast and met another group heading towards the summit on the way down.... Glad I continued on today and reached the peak...met up with the others half way down....this is one of the better walks I've done in this area, enjoyed every moment of it.. | ||||
Morans Falls (Lamington National Park) |
16 Jun, 2012 |
![]() Easy |
4.4km return 90 mins |
As per Worldwalkers comments, except today I fell in the creek up stream from the falls and had to continue the remaining km's with wet cold feet.. |