Remote bush camping in open eucalypt woodland among magnificent spotted gums, ironbarks and grey gums.
From Mount Glorious Road, the campsite is accessed after walking 4km along Scrub Road. Along the way, stop at Enoggera Creek to enjoy the stunning scenery of the headwaters. Scrub Road is a 15-minute drive from Walkabout Creek in The Gap. An alternative route to the campsite is walking 5.8km along South Boundary Road, off Mount Nebo Road. South Boundary Road is a 20-minute drive from Walkabout Creek.
The old track(dirt road) is of rocky surface so you may slip when wet. Walking down to the creek is a high light of this track. Stay a moment and enjoy the view. Before heading up the hill all the way to the camp ground. (I had phone reception most of the way and at the camp).
There is water at the camp ground but as always try and bring your own water or filter and contain at the creek before coming up to the camp. There is a fire pit there as well as a bbq plate and a storm shelter.
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