Legs eleven - Dave

9 walks ticked

This Year

Number of Walks Ticked
Total Distance Ticked

All Time

Number of Walks Ticked
Total Distance Ticked
Name Date Difficulty Distance/Duration
The Federation Track (Brisbane City Council Local Walks)
9 Jul, 2019
1.5km one-way
40 mins
I do this, and other tracks on the same day, and circuit up to seven times, with harness, weights. Great track, done this for years. Last time was June 22nd
Byron Lighthouse walk from Wategos Beach (New South Wales)
16 May, 2019
4km return
90 mins
Great brisk walk, 250 steps to the top, with some wrist weights, a couple of bocchi balls, this four times, gets the ticker goin'
Meet heaps in both directions, most saying G'day, a few chats.
Great view up the top, and a couple of whales here and there!
After the workout, a cold shower/and or swim, then relax on Wategos for the rest of the day.
Beautiful spot of Australia

Did this for a couple of weeks after the Blues festival
Mt Warning Summit Trail (Wollumbin National Park)
14 May, 2019
8.3km return
5 hrs
Picked today, for my fifth hike up Warning in 45years. Saw the top from Wooyung, clear, so off sped.
Quite a few cars, in the car park, for what is now, turning out to be a drizzly day.
Started off, getting a good pace, passed a young couple, with a special package in his backpack...his 2yr old son. I got up there, amazed at the condition of the track....great, in about an hour and a half, with the young couple with the fella saying he had about 20kgs in the backpack, arriving about 20minutes later....slight fit I would think, for both of them.
Quite abit cloudy, a few breaks for some of us to take some photeys. Nice chats with everyone. On the way back, showers started to set in, for myself, and the young couple arriving back around 1330, with people still setting off....mad, with the darkness only a few hours away.
Always enjoy going up this mountain.
Mt Ngungun (Glass House Mountains National Park)
25 Nov, 2017
2.8km return
90 mins
The track was fine, the cliffs on the south side, climbing were more challenging. Did this with my son, and Pinnacle crew. Great time. Great views. The estate down below, must be in awe, living so close to these Glass House mtns.
Mt Greville (Moogerah Peaks National Park)
7 Oct, 2017
6km return
3 hrs
We took a chance with the weather....BOM predicting rain/storm in the morning. Got to park, obviously people took notice....it was empty. First time in a few months that any of our walks did not include other groups. So up Palm gorge, interesting, as their were no tracks on the rocks, due to rain earlier. In some areas whole areas up to 2 meters started to move as we walked on them....and sometimes the boots sunk into holes....Interesting...another challenge. Took about 45mins, got onto se ridge, with plenty of track to follow. Very nice views, especially over the lake. Humid, cloudy day. On top, resting on the rocks had hundreds of flying ants of various types. They definitely liked us having lunch. Pleasant trip down SE ridge. Total time....3hrs. Very narrow gorge on the east going down the side of the mountain for a long way looks interesting, will check it out on the maps for possible future trip. Met one couple in car park....sleep in day for everyone else...Nice hike :)
Mt Tibrogargan (Glass House Mountains National Park)
9 Sep, 2017
Very Hard
3km return
3.5 hrs
Phew, what a rock....Mt. Tibogargan! For our little group of three fellas, first time. Looked abit daunting, especially to me, being more of the hiker. It was a great ascent, Plan, look footholds. Heaps of social, for chats, share experience. Even a kid of twelve, remarked up the top...Helmet, hydro(water pack) long pants....cool bro, gave me five, with him bare foot, shorts and t-shirt...That's my Aussie compatriots! Sat on ledge enjoying the views, blue skies, Sunny as! Trip down, could have been difficult, if not for abit of advice, then eyes on the job, one step at a time, boots and hands lodged...very interesting. Many groups, all up say 100 plus coming up. On my way down, dislodged, a rock about 25mm, yelled heaps loud, my son, 20 meters below swerved, and avoided, woman, ducked! I think the importance of having protection, and safety for all. As it says down the bottom, rocks will be dislodged, be mindful, and observant!
listen out! Everyone, were friendly, chatty amongst groups, doing a chosen goal. Great Mountain, good testy one. Will do again one day.
Have fun.
Flinders Peak (Ipswich - Flinders Goolman Conservation Estate)
2 Sep, 2017
6.5km return
3.5 hrs
Hi, Found a lovely presented, entrance, with toilets, bbque facilities, in very good state. The walk after the first klm, went straight up-hill, for about all of the way. Really tested the legs on this one, very nice, the scambling was fun, and the top, surprised me, with all the infrastructure. Had a good look around, lunch, great walk. Did it in three. The track is very well worn, very dusty in places. Quite a few groups were heading up, on our way down. Lovely day.
Mt Maroon (Mt Barney National Park)
20 Aug, 2017
6km return
4 hrs
Hi, Abit of apprehension, not being up before, abit rusty on the navigation. The walk was well populated on this morning, the track mostly well determined. Just abit hazy around the gully, with another group had split, half taking the left route. They were called by phone! Coming back down, just went down a rocky creek, loose rocks. Turned back quickly, to get back on track. This was at the bottom of the gully. Started at 0830, down at 1130. Most enjoyable walk, and views.
Upper Portals (Mt Barney National Park)
4 Jun, 2017
3.5 hrs
Upper Portals, beautiful spot, now, and the many times I have visited over the last 35years! The trip, we drove up the track, to Waterfall lookout, which is in a very poor state. No surface material, after probably a meter of rain from cyclone Debbie. We had a 4wd and took it easy, up, and definitely back down. The walk, was fairly easy, just up and down hill, but the scenery is beautiful. The National parks have put in some real nice camping spots, since I was up, in the late 90's. Well done National parks. Hope the track gets fixed up, as we used to be able to drive sedans up it. There was a D9 Dozer when we got down the bottom, coming of the back of a truck. So next time, hopefully after repairing the track, abit easier the drive...Enjoy the upper portals